こんにちは。小中学部の後藤です。 ちょっと遅くなりましたが・・・・・、



Time flies like an arrow.  (  c ) 光陰矢の如し

All is well that ends well.  (  b ) 終わり良ければ総て良し

Failure teaches success.  (  e ) 失敗は成功の基

Killing two birds with one stone.  (  d ) 一石二鳥

So many men, so many minds.  (  a ) 十人十色


1.What is the longest sentence in the world?

2.What five letter word has six left after tea time?

3.Why is the letter ‘A’ like noon?                                            

4.What is it that by losing an eye has nothing left but a nose?

5.What vehicle is spelled the same backwards and forwards?


Proverbs and Maxims ( ‘ことわざ’ と ‘格言’ )の答え⭐